> but POV-Ray will render the selected area and leave the
> whole image empty around it.
What POV-Ray does, and what he's talking about, is renders the selected area
in the wrong area of the output image.
For instance, if you select a square at the center of your image, the
outputted file will be black everywhere but the *top* middle, where your
selected render will appear. One would expect blackness everywhere but the
*center*, which is where your selection was.
It's hard to explain exactly. If you haven't seen it before, then take any
old image, select a small square to render somewhere near the center of the
image, and then view the output image (not just POV-Ray's display), and note
the difference between the output image and what POV-Ray displayed.
- Slime
[ http://www.slimeland.com/ ]
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